Reviews on the Run #5 ft. Heyrocco – EVEN THE DEAD LOVE A PARADE – BLACKTOP QUEEN – Lune

Heyrocco – Waiting on Cool \"_MG_9799\" Waiting on Cool is the fourth release from the Charleston, SC trio, Heyrocco. Hell of a name ain\’t it?  Well just like mamma always told ya… don\’t judge a book by it\’s cover! Waiting on Cool is a six song mixture of current day garage pop and 90\’s Weezer. The outcome = Fucking Awesome! Best Track: Yeah \"4bombs\"   EVEN THE DEAD LOVE A PARADE – Self Titled e.p. \"unnamed\" The Dallas metal quintet, EVEN THE DEAD LOVE A PARADE featuring Drowning Pool bassist Stevie Benton has finally popped their heads out of the gopher hole with their new self titled e.p. The beauty of the EVEN THE DEAD LOVE A PARADE e.p. is that there\’s no genre bending or the \”we\’re a hybrid of sounds\” bullshit. Per their website, the bands description is as follows: FUCKING METAL (nothing more and nothing less) Metal fans worldwide should rejoice with this release, considering the stagnancy that is modern day metal. Vocally, Jordan Condrey feels like a kindred spirit of Kieth Buckley from Every Time I Die (always a good thing IMO!). Best Track: Heart Poacher \"4bombs\"   BLACKTOP QUEEN – BLACKOUT (single) \"unnamed L.A. alternative rockers BLACKTOP QUEEN have released the single BLACKOUT. Full of arena size riffs and smooth & airy vocals… Blackout is a winner! Stay tuned for more updates and release dates for Blacktop Queen. \"3bombs\"   Lune – THE SHIP IS SINKING  \"lune\" Lune is an Alt-Country quartet based in South Bend, IN and often referred to as \”Everybody\’s favorite whiskey-soaked country-punk outfit.\” Truth be told, THE SHIP IS SINKING is an older release considering it was came out in 2014 but I couldn\’t hold back form shouting from the rooftop of my small space on the internet about how much I dig their sound. The amount of grit and rasp that Lune brings to the table tells a story in itself that believable which is half the battle. You can check it out HERE.   That said…. I need a drink! \"3bombs\"