I had the chance to check out a sneak peak of the new e.p from Sleeptalk today called \”Young\”. I\’ll admit that I have never heard of this band and was grateful that I came across these tracks.
I enjoyed the structure of these songs. The form was not standard and had a bit of bright vibe to it. The entire time that I was listening to the e.p., I thought of The Killers mixed with the White Stripes and a dash of early Beatles. I am a metal head to the bone but can appreciate something a bit less brutal as long as it\’s punchy and Young was punchy. There were times where Sleeptalk slowed things up but I appreciated the feeling of a slow burn and build up. Mathematically, Young was well put together and it all made sense to me. I would definitely recommend putting this in while going for a drive with friends or sitting out late at night soul searching with the stars. There\’s a lot of potential to make memories with Sleeptalk.