Surrender the Fall: Burn in the Spotlight review

\"BurnLately there’s been a huge push from numerous up-and-coming bands to reach stardom. Many bands on the rise show promise and potential but one of the few that has what it really takes is Surrender the Fall, who’s latest record, Burn in the Spotlight, shows this upfront. This record doesn’t have anything flashy or over-the-top, which a lot of bands seem to do when trying to reach the top. There’s nothing overly-jaw dropping here but that’s a good thing because they don’t try too hard and fail- they stay where they know they thrive and play the strongest. Burn in the Spotlight opens with direct attitude and punch and continues on throughout the album and then hits you with some very intimate moments matched with more punch. All-in-all this one shows exactly what Surrender the Fall have to offer and is by far their strongest material yet. Rating: 8.5/10 -Reggie Edwards