Review: Lacey Sturm- Impossible

It\’s been awhile since we heard from Lacey Sturm. It\’s only been a few years since she left Flyleaf but she\’s made only a handful of appearances since then- most notably on We As Human\’s “Take The Bullets Away.” Aside from that, she\’s been pretty quiet and leading her own life but it\’s time she broke her silence- and break her silence she has with her solo debut- Life Screams.
Life Screams has been a long time coming and it\’s almost like releasing a caged beast who\’s been sitting dormant for too long. Sturm released one single- “Impossible,” not long before the record released, which gave fans a taste of what was coming but there\’s no way we could have expected something as strong and powerful as we got with Life Screams.
Sturm\’s songwriting and lyricism has always been top-notch and this record is no exception. Not only does the album feature the hard-hitting, soul-vibrating rock tones we loved on the first Flyleaf album, but it also has some of Sturm\’s most personal and inspirational lyrics she\’s written yet.
Personal is a word that doesn\’t even scratch the surface when it comes to describing this album. Life Screams is everything that explains and encapsulates Sturms life and past but also discusses her present. Songs like lead single “Impossible” show Sturm touching on just how amazing her life is now that she\’s had time to focus on her family and grow in her faith while the three-track combo of “Vanity,” “Rot” and “You\’re Not Alone” see her talking about just how dark life can get but how there\’s always hope- regardless of how dismal things may look.
This is the solo debut Sturm needed to make and- believe it or not- surpasses any expectations set before her. This is Lacey Sturm at her strongest and as well as her most vulnerable. She wears her faith and heart on her sleeve and isn\’t afraid to do it. And yes, those Lacey Sturm screams are just as ferocious as ever- in case you were wondering.
Welcome back, Lacey, you still got it!
Rating: 10/10
-Reggie Edwards